
If you are hoarding masks at home please don’t.

These mask do very little to protect you from any disease but protect others from you if you have the corona virus or other illnesses.
These masks are a MUST have for medical and dental practitioners that need to be able to provide services to the general public.
Major dental companies have limited supply of dental masks and if things continue at this rate your dental/medical practitioners yes the ones YOU seek when you are sick or are in pain will not be able to HELP you or TREAT you.
Having said that they do very little to protect us, your dental practitioners from you but it allows us to be able to treat you.
We also have an advisory in our office that if you are experiencing flu or cold like symptoms or have travelled to countries such as China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, Japan in the last 30 days to refrain from coming into the office.
PLEASE spread this message anywhere you can in your community, on Instagram, Facebook anywhere to bring awareness.

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