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Which supplements should you take?

So I’m gonna give my assistant Ingrid @ingmason the credit here as a while ago she recommended to me to gather my vitamins in a basket and each morning just reach for the basket and in that way I would be more on top of taking them. I have to be honest in the past I’ve been very inconsistent in taking my supplements. This system of organizing in a basket has helped me to be on top of it. So I’ll share what’s in my basket and hopefully it’ll help you guys to prep yours. Strengthening your immunity is something you HAVE CONTROL over. I will put alternatives in the brackets if you can’t find the proper supplement. .
🌼Vitamin D- (sit in the sun for about 15-20 min per day with proper social distancing of course)
🌼 Vitamin C- ( oranges, Mandarin, kiwi, strawberry, bell pepper, spinach, broccoli, kale)
🌼 Multivitamin- (wise variety of fresh veggies & fruits)
🌼 Omega 3 oil- min is a liquid format and kept in fridge ( fish, ex salmon, mackerel, COD liver oil, oysters, sardines, anchovies,sea bass, shrimp, sea weed, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, Kidney beans)
🌼 Probiotics- ( yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, some pickles) .
🌼 Oil of oregano ( if you feel you’re coming done with something)
🌼 Iron supplements ( red meat, spinach, liver)
🌼 Turmeric supplements ( reduces inflammation in body ( cook with real turmeric)

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