
Monday motivation:

Monday motivation:

“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they are supposed to help you discover who you are.” During this time I have learnt tons of things and am still learning.

I have : .

🌼learnt that my passion in life is to truly help people.

🌼learnt that when someone across the globe hurts I hurt with them.

🌼learnt that the world is much smaller than we think it is. 🌼 learnt that this life is very fragile. .

.🌼learnt that we can all do our parts and pray for our healthcare workers and essential service workers who are making this world function day by day. .

🌼learnt to appreciate all the simple things in life.

🌼learnt that slowing down is ok.

🌼also learnt that I can actually cook up some sweet meals if I want to lol.

. 💖💖💖 But most importantly I have learnt to rely on God even more than before and turn to him for guidance and help. If I didn’t have faith, I’m sure fear would take over.

I’m not saying I’m positive all the time but that 10-20% that I’m worried or sad I turn to him. He is the one to rely one. Without God I would be fearful but with him I’m faithful. . 🌼So what have you learnt? .

Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm  46:10

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