
White white whiter…

White white whiter!! 💎The endless journey of seeking whiter teeth never stops 🙄. We do teeth whitening in our office and offer that to our patients and I think it’s a great way to make your smile shine ✨😁! It’s also a great thing to before a big eve ...


Have you experienced Burn out?

Last weekend I had the privilege to attend a seminar about Burn Out and how it so commonly affects healthcare professionals.Burn out consists of three components:1. Negativity and cynism2. Decreased efficacy.3. Depression and/or emotional exhaustion ...


Dental radiographs

Xrays are an important diagnostic tool that your dentist needs in conjunction with an exam to detect diseases and to detect early before the teeth start to hurt.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀There’s a lot of people that don’t like taking xrays and decline however you ...


Being the boss is not glamorous

When I first started my dental office 7.5 years ago (yes I started it from scratch with zero patients) my daughter Nika hadn’t even turned one yet. My biggest concern the first month we set up the office up was to find the best birthday cake for he ...


Blue Light Blocking Glasses

These are glasses that block the blue light that’s emitted from cell phones, iPads, computer screens, tv etc. Blue light prevents the stimulation of melatonin and tricks your brain into thinking it’s daytime. Blocking this light allows for better qu ...



Do you clench or grind your teeth at night?I do. If you clench or grind your teeth you will need to wear a night guard to protect your teeth and your TMJ (jaw joint). Generally nightguards are made to wear at nighttime but I usually tell my pati ...


How to use social media for mental wellness

I’m grateful for this medium “social media” to bring people around the globe closer but we must not let it separate us from the ones that are around us. ⠀⠀ ⠀1. Ask yourself how do I feel after scrolling? Does this encourage me and lift me up? Or ...

Dr Sarmast Children

At what age should your child see the dentist?

We generally recommend seeing kids 6 months after eruption of the first tooth or 1 year of age whichever comes first. The first visit is just a check and to chat with the parents and also for the child to see and become aware of the environment. ...


|| TIME || Be Present 🎁!!

I had a great conversation with my stylist today and it was about being and staying present in the moment. Have you ever caught yourself worrying so much about the future that you forgot to enjoy the present? 🎁We don’t know what the future will brin ...