Periodontal Surgery

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What is periodontal (gum) surgery?

Periodontal surge

ry is treatment for any gum disease that remains after we have professionally cleaned your teeth and all hygiene instructions were t

horoughly performed. Gum disease is caused by the germs which live in the mouth. The bacteria stick to the teeth, causes inflammatio

n of the gums and bleeding. Gum diseases can eventually destroy the gum and bone which support the teeth.

Step by step periodontal surgery

The area will get numb by using a local anaesthetic injection. With a cut around the edge of the gum, the gum can be moved away from the teeth to uncover the roots of the teeth. Then with careful use of electrical and hand instruments, plaque, calculus and tartar on the tooth surfaces will be removed. At the end, the gum will be replaced and held there with a few stitches that will be removed seven to ten days later.

Benefits of periodontal surgery

  • Better access to plaques and tartar under the gum
  • Better visual detection of plaques and tartar
  • Reshaping the gum to make it easier for cleaning

Is there any risks?

The gums may feel sore after the surgery which may need using take painkillers. It is also common to see little bleeding from the gums. It is possible to have some swelling of the gums or the face near the treated area. Occasionally the teeth may get sensitive to hot, cold or sweet substances.

After surgery

The result of gum surgery definitely depends on how well you maintain your oral care. You will not be able to brush the teeth in treatment area for some days but you should use prescribed mouth rinses. You should be back for removing stitches and follow up seven to ten days after surgery.